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How Does Excessive Screen Time Affect Kids?

Children today are growing up with a vast array of electronic devices within reach. While these devices can provide hours of endless entertainment and offer content focusing on quality education, too much screen time can be harmful. Here, we discuss how excessive screen time can affect your child:

  • Childhood Obesity
    The more television or screens children watch, the greater their risk of becoming overweight. Time spent watching the screen is less time spent on physical activities. Kids also develop an appetite for junk food that’s promoted in ads, as well as overeating while watching electronics.
  • Behavioral Problems
    Excessive screen time also affects cognitive development in New York. Too much time spent in front of screens can impair emotional comprehension and hinder social and emotional development. Hence, it’s essential to set boundaries for your child.
  • Sleep Problems
    The more time kids spend watching a screen, the more likely they will have trouble falling asleep and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Sleep loss can lead to fatigue and increased snacking, too. Using tablets or watching television before bed interferes with sleep by suppressing melatonin production — a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles.
  • Language Delays
    Excessive screen time may impact language development in New York as well. Depending on the type of content kids watch, it can also negatively impact their social skills and relationships. Time spent watching TV is less time spent interacting with their peers, which can affect their self-esteem and ability to recognize other people’s emotions.

We at Sharon Baptist Head Start offer an exceptional educational program in Bronx, New York. With our programs and services, we aim to create a better future for your children. Contact us today to find out more.

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