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Is Your Child Ready for School?

Sending your child off to school is a significant milestone. As a parent, it’s natural to wonder if they are truly prepared for this exciting journey. To gauge your child’s readiness for school or for an educational program in New York, consider asking yourself the following questions.

  • Is your child emotionally prepared for the school environment?
    Do they exhibit social skills like sharing and taking turns or managing basic emotions independently? A sign of readiness is when a child is comfortable spending time away from you while interacting with other children in one of the day care centers in New York.
  • Physically, is your child ready?
    Can they use the restroom independently, dress and undress themselves, and possess fine motor skills necessary for tasks like holding a pencil or using scissors? While childcare in Bronx, New York can help assist a child, having this fundamental skill can help them cope better in the environment.
  • Is your child curious and eager to learn?
    Do they ask questions and show interest in exploring new things? Are they excited about numbers and reading? Building foundations in these subject areas can be done in a fun way.
  • Is your child comfortable with routines and structure?
    Can they adapt to a school schedule with set routines and rules? Sharon Baptist Head Start can help assess your child’s readiness for school.

Consult with us today.

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little girls listening to their teacher